Welcome to Supatable

A friendly table for your Supabase

TLDR: Supatable is a service for developers to manage their web/app data in Supabase.


Recently, I've been using Supabase for most of my projects. Supabase is great - it lets clients easily update their content themselves after the project is done. However, I've realized two features would be valuable: a way to control who can access what data, and the ability to handle more complex data types.

Firstly, Supabase shines for small teams and it's easy to grant full access to everyone. However, as business grows, the ability to delegate tasks to certain people is quite important. For example, a content editor can modify specific data fields, or a marketing person can view only relevant customer information. Fine-grained access control allows secure delegation and data privacy.

Secondly, Supabase also excels at letting clients update basic details like names, descriptions, and even prices (with a bit of explanation). However, managing complex data like product images becomes a hurdle without a proper admin interface. Ideally, clients could manage all their data – including images, product variations, and even customer details – within a user-friendly interface. This would empower non-technical teams to take ownership and make updates themselves, eliminating the need for technical expertise.


Supatable is a service focusing on those 2 features.

In terms of architecture, all your data would be structured and stay securely in your Supabase project. Supatable would then connect to your Supabase and unlock these additional features.


In terms of interface, it might look like a spreadsheet with versatile support for complex data types.

UI for table:


UI for row editor:


UI for RBAC:


If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me @leson_phung or submit your feedback in the form below.


P.S. I made an open source project to add RBAC to your Supabase, give Suparbac a try.

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I understand there are other great tools available, and choosing the right one depends on your specific needs. While some solutions excel at building complex internal applications, Supatable keeps things focused on the core functionality of data management for web/apps. This streamlined approach allows me to prioritize a user-friendly experience for both developers and non-technical users.

Supatable's architecture leverages the strengths of Supabase, keeping your data secure and well-structured. As developers, you can continue to interact with your data as usual through the familiar Supabase API. At the same time, Supatable's interface offers a familiar table format with powerful features for handling complex data and role based permissions. This combination empowers non-technical teams to take ownership of content updates, while developers benefit from a well-organized data structure that simplifies web/app development.